
There are many healing and therapy modalities one can experience for integrating their body, mind, heart and spirit and transforming unpreferable to preferable states and emotions.

Vangelis Legakis has been trained in Reiki I, II, & Master’s levels, Reflexology, Neuro-skeletal Re-Alignment, Deep Tissue and Holistic Massage and he furthered his studies in Structural Energy Awakening Therapy – Thai Massage (Mike Tan), Divine Healing Therapy (Dr. Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire), Integrative Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy, Thanatology (Rosemary Wallace), Abdominal Massage (Felicity Joy) and Tsi Nei Tsang (Khun Ni). He has also studied Kundalini Yoga and Qigong with great masters including Mantak Chia, Tew Bunnag, Swami Vivekananda, Mahasattva Ananda Sarita, Marika Bolsfeldt and many others.


He offers therapies during his travels where is needed as well as upon request he offers private sessions.

Who are Therapies Workshop for?

Therapies and Healing is for everyone who wishes to pass through difficulties in life whether it is physical, emotional or mental.

A therapy will provide the right environment for people who wish to become healthy, happy and grounded with their life, family and career.

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